7 Steps to Healing Your Digestive Woes: Confirmation

Great News!  You are Going to Learn the…

7 Steps To Healing Your Digestive Woes in the Upcoming Tele-class!

Here’s your secret coded information to get IN!

1. March 4th at 12:00 pm EST.
2. Dial in number: (530) 881-1300
3. Guest pin code: 706515

Get your calendar out Now to put an end to reflux, constipation, IBS, bloating, colitis, diarrhea!

You will get the most out of the class if you attend LIVE. I’ll open up the lines at the end of the call and you will have an opportunity to have your questions answered. 

However, if you can’t make it live, I will be sending out the recording for you to listen to. 

With gratitude and in service,

Raya Ioffe