Strawberry Maca Chia
Create better digestive health with this cold smoothie style drink that will improve bowel movement, reduce constipation and stabilize your blood sugar levels. Strawberry Maca Chia is a great way to start your day because it gives your body what it needs most first thing in the morning. This healthy living nutritional breakfast will keep you from being hungry until lunchtime.
1 frozen banana
6-8 strawberries
1 Tbsp chia seeds
1 cup coconut water
1 tsp maca powder
1 tsp ground flax seeds
8-10 soaked (raw) almonds
Blend and Enjoy!
You can also check out my blog post about the benefits of juicing and blending.
This healthy living Strawberry Maca Chia smoothie recipe will make enough for two people or for one who wants to nurse this drink later into the day for a mid-morning snack/early lunch.
Getting more healthy nutrition and digestive health from your smoothie
The frozen banana acts as a source of coolness so you don’t have to add ice cubes that water down your drink. Coolness also helps keep your smoothie tasting great for a longer period of time. Drinking the smoothie slowly, by letting it linger in your mouth and swishing it around a little bit, gives the digestive enzymes in your mouth an opportunity to begin carbohydrate digestion and prepares it for better nutrition absorption in the small intestine.
A good constipation guideline is 1-3 poops per day. Easy in , easy out as they say. Anything less than this and you are at risk for low energy, cancer, toxic back up in your body. Healthy digestion and bowel movement are key to living well!
To learn more about healthy digestion, download my free report called “8 easy ways to relieve constipation” by entering your name and email on the right hand side of this website.