This is one of my favorite times of year. Everything is coming up sprouts and there is more fresh produce in our local farmer’s market already!
I love to go to the Troy and Schenectady markets and get everything as close to fresh and local as possible and talk to the farmers… but if you can’t always get to the farmer’s market and are out shopping at the gorcery store, it is good to know where to spend your money on organic and where to save.
EWG, the Environmental Working Group, produces a report every year on what to steer clear of, the Dirty Dozen, and the Clean Fifteen, stuff to not worry about spending your extra money on for organic. So here is their 2013 Report.
My two cents, next time you juice that celery because it is so good for you and alkalizing to your system, or throw it in your blender in your morning smoothie – make sure it is organic. And please, shell out the extra cash and buy your kids some organic strawberries! And the good news is that you can eat all the inorganic avocadoes you want!
Did you know that Avocado is an aphrodisiac? Guacamole recipe anyone? Love those good fats